Tanya Jawab Registrasi 4: Tahapan Registrasi Produk di Asrot
T: Tahap apa saja yang dilakukan untuk melakukan registrasi produk obat tradisional, suplemen kesehatan, dan obat kuasi ?
J: Ada 2 tahap utama dalam melakukan proses registrasi, yaitu :
Q: What steps should be taken to register traditional medicine, health supplement, or quasi drug ?
A: There are 2 main steps to be taken to register your product :
1. Registration of company account
2. Registration of product, comprise of 2 steps:
1. Pre-registration
The pre-registration is done paperless by inputting product data and formula along with related administrative requirements
2. Registration
If the pre-registration result is “approved”, the registrant should proceed to the registration stage by inputting the data and submitting the registration documents in the hardcopy form of administrative and technical data.
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